Monday, November 5, 2012


   Our first assignment of the year was a drawing piece. You can imagine how excited I was... I'm not the strongest at drawing and I tend to over think what is being put on a piece of paper, but I almost have a finished project and I didn't suffer too much.
   The assignment was to draw shoes. Each class had to bring in at least one shoe which would later become our models. Once the shoes were arranged on the tables the drawing began. Finding a section of shoes I wanted to illustrate was already difficult for me. Once I finally settled on a view of the shoes through my handmade view finder, I was ready for the pencil to meet the paper. 
   The drawing has three shoes in it, all of them having interesting and different patterns and materials. I wanted to attempt to capture these 'characteristics' that made the shoes unique. This was a lot easier said than done. I started by drawing the baby shoe which is at the top of the drawing. This shoe wasn't too hard, it was easy to get the basic shape and then go back and add the most important part, details. The second shoe I drew was the Nike one. This show was a bit more difficult. The shape of it was simple, but I really liked the pattern it had all around the shoe. Figuring out how to achieve this pattern was a bit frustrating. Thankfully it eventually came to me. Now, the last shoe which is the converse gave me the hardest time. In the picture I was going off of the shoe had a curve to it. This required a bunch of shading around that area, but I really enjoyed how awesome this shoe looked. I haven't finished my drawing yet, but when I do I will post a picture of the final product. Each shoe needs a lot more detail and I am still working on the stubborn converse, but the drawing will be finished before the end of the marking period though so you shall see it soon!

Here is a picture of my shoe drawing so far.  When it is finished I will upload another one!

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