A picture of the cutting process of my metal |
This week I started working with metal. I came up with three designs, but it came down to one that I love. Working with metal is very demanding to say the least. Once you have your design you have to make a prototype of it. When you like the way your prototype turns out you then have to figure out the type of metal you want for each part of your design. Then you have to outline each of your pieces on the appropriate metal you want to use. Finally the most irritating step up all. Sawing. You have these tiny saw blades that will cut through metal. It's actually quite astonishing how powerful they are. Did i forget to mention that this is all by hand? You have to saw up a down in a light motion. The slightest bit of pressure and snap! There goes your saw blade. Once you finally get into the metal from the edge it takes a while to achieve a simple cut. For the past four days all I've been hearing are saw blades against metal. Not the most pleasant sound. Although the process is monotonous the outcome is very rewarding. I'm not nearly finished yet, but what I'm seeing so far is satisfying. I can't wait to see all of my pieces textured and put together! I'll keep you updated throughout my process.
A picture of my design. The color of the pieces represent the type of metal I'll use.
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