Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This marking period has been such a learning experience for me. I have found talent I didn't even knew existed. In the beginning of the marking period I was expecting to draw some pictures of objects and that was about it. We did start drawing objects, like apples, but we took drawing apples to a whole other level. I learned how to shade and think about value. It's fun to see how a little bit of shading makes your drawing come to life. Later we began to work with colored pencil it was exhilarating to see colors blend together in ways I didn't think possible. Now we are working on self portraits which I mentioned in my latest post. Its been going well, but it has been the most challenging piece of art I've worked on.

I think when I felt a "shift" in my artwork was when we started to draw the pencil still life of fruit. It was my first time working with three different types of pencils. I started off just drawing the outlines of the fruits. I later went back in and started my shading and value scale. Near the end of my drawing process my fruit was coming to life. It was mind-boggling to see this drawing come from my hands. It was a quality feeling. 

I'm excited to see what else I am capable of throughout the year!

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